Dolls and Toys have been a part of my life forever. My eclectic tastes reach back to 1960, and into present day, from cereal prize toys, Barbie, Tammy, Remco, Ideal, Funko, Nightmare Before Christmas, Disney, movies and well, the list is endless actually. In 1995, after leaving the pink box world of Barbie, I entered the era of Gene Marshall, and the 16" fashion doll and never left. Because of that long term commitment, friendships and associations, I have become an almost Doll Whisperer, knowing values, items, dolls and historical information on Gene and her line of friends especially, as well as those from Tonner and Wilde, Mattel and Integrity. I have been involved with conventions, put on two personally, and assisted in five, as well as having worked for Integrity Toys.
Because I am a knowledgeable, and active collector, I began reaching out when sellers on eBay and other platforms, were obviously selling late family member collections, and being taken advantage of. Dolls and items that live rent free in my brain, are foreign to the majority of the population, and that unknowing could potentially be a difference in the hundreds of dollars. So, I have been offering my assistance in identifying, pricing and general knowledge to these type of sellers. IF this is something that might help you, or someone you know, please feel free to email below for additional details.
The base price for my work is $75 initial set up for a basic collection, and $25 a month server fees. This also includes up to date researching on paid subscription sites, that keep your pages current, reflecting sale/sold pricing, and items collectors are looking to buy. After creation, sites are maintained with prices and updates, which have no site or free advertising. Once agreed upon, individual agreements are also private, depending on the length of time, bulk of items etc. In most cases, 7% of sales is my commission for 24/7 updating and promoting your site (eBay is currently 13% or more for seller fees). However, in the case of a very small collection, trades or a different arrangement can also be negotiated. Bottom line: We will make it work!
Additionally, what may appear as a very simplistic HTML design, is done so deliberately, without plug-in technology, that can crash, requiring a lot of memory and device updates. By doing it this way, it can be viewed on older computers and cellphones, which an aging doll demographic still reply upon. The servers however are secure, up to date and have all current settings and certificates. I believe this arrangement to be more than fair, considering my visibility on chat boards and social media sites, knowledge of conventions, events, good/bad and great buying collectors, and references that are all included with my work. A priceless value, when you consider the fee structure on eBay, Mercari, Etsy and other sale sites.
Just as it was playing with friends when we were kids, trust, communication and a love of dolls are what matter, because I want you to succeed in your sales, using everything that I bring to the table.
My contact email is lkdenver2@fastmail.com, should you wish to reach out directly, and not use the contact form.

Our Location
123 Main Street, City, Country
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm